Friday, February 12, 2010

Guide to navigating my movie reviews

I review documentaries on the important issues for Patriots and Constitutionalists in the modern era.

Often these reviews will be based on how useful of an educational tool the film is, because that is the whole reason for making a documentary.

I will often compare these films to other films, and comparing filmmaking styles.

Following my deconstruction of the film, I will provide my "Ratings" followed by short explanations as to why I rated each category the way I did.

Here I will explain what the categories mean.

5 stars per category

Information: How much information on the complete state of things can one expect to take away from this film?

Source Documentation: Does this film show the documents? Does it provide terms you can research? Does it contain experts that you can verify? Does it have mainstream news reports confirming this information?

Presentation Method: What is the production style of this film? How well is the story being told through the teaching techniques used? Does this film feel like a Hollywood movie or a History Channel special, or a college lecture?

Visuals/Sound: How flashy are the graphical elements? how well is the narration and music? Could I get too bored, or could this be too cheesy and over the top?

Political & Social Spectrum: Does this have any socio-political leanings or biases?

Solution, Constitution, or Pollution: After watching this film, will I be motivated to do something about the state of affairs? (Solution) Or will I be warned that my values are in jeapordy unless I figure out a solution for myself? (Constitution) Or is this just a lot of fear-mongering and getting people angry with nothing to do about it?

Overall Wake-up-ability: How broad of the population should seek this film? What type of people can you show it to without them shutting the information down or dismissing it as biased, and would it be useful enough for people already researching the types of issues discussed in the film to take away something new?

Reviews to Date:
Shadow Government
Architects of Control - Program One
Camp Fema
American Drug War: The Last White Hope
Core of Corruption: In The Shadows
How Weed Won The West
Secret of Oz (with Special Commentary on the Currency Solution Debate)
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
The Alex Jones "Police State Trilogy" (Flashback Review Special)
Police State 4
King Corn

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