Michael Tsarion has given several presentations on the origins of the elite and the mystery religion and its ties to modern society. This film is a diet, more presentable version of the information he talks about.
As with all of Michael Tsarion's information, you really have to go into this film understanding that he's not going to tell you anything you expect to believe. He gives you thoughts on how you can inform yourself with knowledge to decipher the symbolism, codes, and propaganda that are out in the open in every day society.
“Talismans” are around us everywhere. Seemingly innocuous logos and icons are actually part of language going back centuries. Using clips from major motion pictures and examples in mainstream media right into real-life prophetic events and persons, This film makes you question whether reality is truly “stranger than fiction” or if reality is something that is straight out of what is written in fiction, guided by those who want to make those sci-fi books and films a reality.
As with most of Michael Tsarion's stuff, it's meant to make you question, not give you answers, so there is little proof involved other than whether you can believe what you're hearing. But that's the point.
Perception is everything, and when it comes down to downright facts, nothing is proven until you physically sense it in-person, and even then you must trust that what you've perceived is exactly what happened. So, when you're questioning a “reality” what you're questioning is the reality we've been told and sold through external sources.
Some in the movement, and really much of the skeptical society would attack Michael Tsarion and other alternative theological researchers for being too “out there” or for putting out information that they cannot “100% prove” however, the important thing to remember, is that SOMEONE believes it. Someone with POWER. Someone who wishes to control you. If you can prove at least that much, then the information is sound enough that the people should know about it.
It's good to finally get Tsarion and other experts in a format that isn't behind a podium with a slide show. The Graphics are amazing and the presentation is wonderful. The message of the film is to be an individual which, while positive, is a double edge sword.
You almost get the feeling after watching this, that being involved in government and activism is pointless as long as you have love in your heart and are freedom within your mind. Almost as if slavery is okay as long as we have spiritual freedom. But that's just one possible misinterpretation of the end part of the film that someone could possibly take away from this film, so if you get this feeling too, don't blame the person on the other end of the phone for your hearing aid malfunction.
This film goes into Mind Control at every level, from MK Ultra to subliminal advertising. Understanding what is possible is just as understanding what is known, and that is the point of this film. Getting to know deeper different important events in society in a light where you can see beyond the known into the potential that these events are also methods of rounding up the hive into a single mindset that is willing to submit to the proposed agendas of the elites.
Information: Informative to those who want to know about talismans and the depth of what the mind is capable of, with great comparisons to sci-fi media. - 3 stars
Source Documentation: Michael Tsarion is recognized as an expert in his own right when it comes to esoteric information, however there is no “proof” in philosophy and religion, and that's what this film is. - 2 stars
Presentation Method: Mixing Science Fiction with real study of reality is often used by the mainstream media to misinform or make fun of important issues, Michael shows us how the same tactics can be used to inform the people of these same issues when you point out how blatant and in your face these stories can be. - 4 stars
Visuals/Sound: The music is a bit annoyingly creepy on purpose, but the camera work and graphics are great. It's good to see Michael Tsarion somewhere other than a dark room behind a podium. It really gives pop to the information he's presenting. - 3 stars
Political & Social Spectrum: Neutral/Alternative Philosophical. Not biased, but a little too “alternative” for most social groups. - 3 stars
Solution, Constitution, or Pollution: Part Solution/Part Pollution. The information is good for anyone learning about individualism, but this is also pretty much brain candy that could potentially be a diversion for the active. - 3 stars
Overall Wake-up-ability: I hate to give this such a low score, but even the “Alternative” movements are not open minded enough for this information, and those who are, might not care about the spiritual/philosophical enough to believe in the individuality message. If you are open minded and like to wax philosophically then this movie is a must, and if you think you know people who may be open to questioning their reality, this movie is for them, but this movie is pretty far out there and the majority of even awakened people will shut down their eyes and ears to this message pretty quick. - 2 stars
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