Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Documentary Movie Review: In The Shadows (Core of Corruption Part 1)

Movie Review: Core of Corruption: In The Shadows

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Core of Corruption is a series by Jonathan Elinoff, and "In The Shadows" is the first of the series. It takes a look at the persons, places, and events behind the 9/11 tragedy.

One of the most common complaints about the "9/11 Truth Movement" is its focus on "Controlled Demolition." This film touches on it, but focuses more on the background of the individuals directly related to the incident. I'm disappointed when these films focus so heavily on intelligence and government failures and still feel the need to get into a physics argument. Occam's Razor is the concept that you provide only the information that you need, the information that is relevant to your argument. I don't see how these films benefit from the Controlled Demolition theory. It becomes an argument on what is possible and what is probable, and not necessarily documented, proven events that are easily agreed upon to have happened. Much evidence supports the Controlled Demolition theory, however, the "how" is not as important as the "why" or the "who." Controlled Demolition would have been better covered in the sequel being released soon, or another film.

A heavy focus in this film is on what Porter Goss and Bob Graham Knew before the attack, and what power they had to pass on the information so something could have been done about it if they had. The film shows how these two men were privy to warnings beforehand and were involved in the failure of investigation.

Able Danger, The Dr. Graham 9/11 Report, John O'Neill, Randy Glass' letters to Bob Graham, and several other warnings were filtered through our government and almost every warning went unheard and this film wants you to ask why. And those are the warnings that we KNOW our government had, when you see the Fox News report on Comverse Infosys and Amdocs you begin to really understand how the attacks could not have been pulled off without foreknowledge.

The secondary question is why we don't hear more about the Israeli spy ring found in our nation? This film takes the Fox News report's exposure of the problem of Israeli espionage, and asks about the odd secondary events on 9/11, and what the FBI could know about ties between some of these 9/11 events and this spy ring.

If you don't believe that the United States could have stopped the attack of September 11, you will understand that this becomes more than a mere one-day-one-event failure when you scrape the surface.

This film is almost comparable to Jason Bermas' "Fabled Enemies," only this film gives you more information and more ties to Graham and Goss. This film gathers more mainstream news reports and more clips of first-hand witness accounts.

Information: Very informative. If you don't know the information behind 9/11 you will after seeing this film. - 5 Stars

Source Documentation: News reports and first hand interviews. - 5 stars

Presentation Method: News Clips inter-cut with First Hand interviews. – 4 stars

Visuals/Sound: Great music score, great graphical elements. - 4 stars

Political & Social Spectrum: 9/11 transcends political party to the point where it is shunned by mainstream politics. There is no political angle here. - 4 stars

Solution, Constitution, or Pollution: Constitution. 9/11 becomes important to a person, but in the end, that won't protect our liberties. This film is a great research project, and perhaps a good movie to hand out, but other than that, 9/11 truth is a cause that becomes ever harder to act upon. - 2 Stars

Overall Wake-up-ability: Truth is made fun of in the mainstream and claimed to be discredited several times over, however, with more films making the inside connections between persons, places, and things, we may just have justice one day. If you can get someone to watch this, they will understand why 9/11 is still important to much of America. – 4 stars

1 comment:

Kensington Roth said...

Where are all the lawyers who lined up to defend the Gitmo detainees? Well we need them NOW!

9/11 was a false flag operation, and Cheney, Rice, and Rumsfeld got very from it. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "ABLE DANGER" the novel at all major online stores worldwide. It tells how the White House accomplished their False Flag operation from their own words extracted from transcripts and White House aides.