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The “Us against them” mentality will always be the adverse problems posed for true peaceful activism. Anyone who would use “Us vs. Them” for political gain should be alienated and ostracized immediately as a provocateur.
In the week of the release of this film, I had re-watched the original “police state” trilogy to review, as well as attending a local protest of the Federal Reserve and IRS. At this rally, one of the organizers began to bullhorn IRS employees that they should feel ashamed and quit their job. This is one example of the “Us vs. Them” mentality that we need to avoid. This is the problem that will undoubtedly increase the use of the police state.
What is the Police State? Alex really doesn't use his films to define the term, but rather show you what it could look like in your town. A “Police State” is one where virtually all activity in a geographical location is governed by an authoritarian force. In the United States, where freedoms and checks and balances prevent this, it is an extreme occurrence which an extreme emergency can be declared where those in charge of governing the area claim that chaos, or the potential for chaos, has grown too large to control while allowing for normal freedoms. This is commonly referred to as “Martial Law” or suspension of government.
This film begins outlining several executive orders by which the procedure for Martial Law is established. E.O.#s 10990, 10995, 10997, 10998, 10999, 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003, 11004, 11005, 11051, 11310,11049, 11921 are explained, however, you can research those. Needless to say, that combined, these executive orders provide for the government takeover of every resource and economic sector, including movement and housing. Alex also references Presidential Security Directive 51, which has remained largely a secret, event though representative Peter DeFazio tried to alert Americans to its existence and the secrecy of the executive. These powers include the “Continuity of Government” project of the US government, by which the United States would, during time of extreme emergency, not be governed by the Constitution or our elected representatives, but by an “Emergency” government with emergency powers. A new executive order establishing a federalized “Council of Governors” essentially pushing federalism at the state level, would also provide for a plan for emergency response. Alex also covers the Civilian Inmate Labor Program and DOD Directive1404.10. Please research the government documents listed in this paragraph if you need more information.
There you go. Not a Conspiracy Theory, the plans for martial law and imprisonment exist. The only debates are:
A. Do you agree with “Emergency” (increased) powers in times of perceived chaos?
B. What types of events are “emergencies” that could initiate the declaration? and
C. What would martial law look like and would it negatively affect the people?
That's where the rest of this film comes in. Bankers telling our congress that if they voted against the bailout that Martial Law would be necessary is financial terrorism. The financial crisis has brought outrage from several interested people. The protests exist, as I mentioned my attendance above. However, what happened in Pittsburgh in 2009 did not make most news outlets. More on that in a sec.
If Martial Law was a duck, most people would say that the evidence of a controlling mad government is just a quacking, waddling, and feather covered teddy bear, not a duck.
Alex goes into some of the Military working in the homeland in violation of posse comatatus, as well as the Northcom force, reported to be targeted at 40,000 US troops trained to operate in the homeland, including quelling insurrection.
The Infowars crew were filming these efforts in Pittsburgh during the 2009 G-20 Protests. Jason Bermas' inability to get these members of Military to define posse comatatis shows how dire things can be.
“Order out of Chaos” is a commonly known phrase of people aware of authoritarian tactics of globalist leaders. Government will always claim that their control tactics are to restore order to a chaotic situation. The problem people have with this, is the seemingly unequal target of these tactics toward people who would be in opposition to federal government, globalist, or elitist goals.
The first time I'd seen the L.R.A.D. lesser-lethal crowd control device was in the Jon Ronson documentary “Crazy Rulers of the World” where he was outlining how governments use unusual torture tactics that start out with seemingly no military application. The L.R.A.D. is a device that blasts brain piercing noises in a targeted direction. A Lock-down of the streets of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania using Military, rows of Police, and the L.R.A.D. was clearly a display of Martial Law.
So what was their justification? Perceived chaos? We see “Anarchists” throwing things, breaking things, wearing masks. Again, instead of targeting the bad apples, lets declare an Emergency and lock the place down of all constitutional activities. Alex's previous films as well as a clip of a few anarchists here, provide interesting evidence that some of these “Agents Provocateur” could perhaps be government employees.
The L.R.A.D. also blasts an interesting announcement. “This is an unlawful assembly”
Amendment I - U.S. Constitution: “Congress shall make no law.. ..abridging.. ..the freedom.. ..of the people, peaceably to assemble..”
Clearly this was a Constitution-free zone.
The announcement tells people to “Leave the area immediately”, however, as Alex shows us, the police just corral the people into one area blocking from all sides. A free state Philadelphia was not.
Alex also covers the interesting case of Hardin, Montana. A private, foreign-run, “security” firm known as “American Police Force” takes over a local prison facility, and begins driving around town in vehicles labeled “Hardin Police.”
The most interesting thing about this film is how it clearly outlines the issue of the Christmas 09' Underwear “Bombing” attempt, as well as the concurrent push for body-scanning machines at airports. Alex, in interviews with Webster Tarpley does the job that the media told us our government failed to do, and that is “Connect the Dots” surrounding this attack. Alex also shows the differences between the incontrovertible eyewitness testimony vs. the several different official government stories of this event including the State Department telling Detroit News that even the Federal Government was involved in allowing it to happen.
The Body-Scanners are also exposed as Michael Chertoff's health-destroying, submission ritual, money making machine.
Alex also covers the important propaganda issues of the MIAC report and Glenn Beck's lies as well as the Pentagon writing news stories and the FCC's ability to take over media networks.
This film takes the styles and focuses of the original “Police State” trilogy and pumps them into a 2009-2010 alert. This film also resolves some of the contextual problems that the first three films suffered.
Information: 5 stars – This film covers the push for a controlled society, covering all of the available news and information from recent years. It's jam packed full of footage, eyewitness accounts, news reports, and government documents.
Source Documentation: 4 Stars – While this film has cured most of the contextual issues of the previous films, there are a few issues where skeptics might feel that some information is not related to the overall message.
Presentation Method: 2 Stars – This was basically clips from the Alex Jones Show, inter-cut with clips of what he is talking about. He would have been served well to take the time to re-explain some of these issues specifically for the film, at times some contextual stuff from that day's show is mentioned, which does this film injustice.
Visuals/Sound: 2 Stars – Unfortunate that the special graphics used must have been created for big screen HDTVs because it seems that it is very hard to read important stuff on the screen at key times. Also included is a segment where two computer voices alternate layered over loud music, which makes it nearly impossible to understand what they say. The only bonus this film does get, is the fact that while watching it on my surround sound, the L.R.A.D. came on and my wife started throwing things at me because it was hurting her ears. Congratulations on bringing the experience home for me, I respect that if others have that experience, they might understand how negative the L.R.A.D. is.
Political & Social Spectrum: 4 Stars – He would get 5 stars if he did not choose to label some issues as “conservative.”
Solution, Constitution, or Pollution: 1 Star – Consti-pollution While the information is good, again, there is little to no direction on how we the people can change this stuff. He didn't even do as good of a job of calling for people to spread this information. We also need to spread the word of the importance of citizen journalism when events like those in this movie happen.
Overall Wake-Up-Ability: 4 Stars – Not quite as good as “Washington You're Fired” at emphasizing the issues of government power grabs, but quite honestly, this might be one of the few “Movies” that actually shows clashes between police and protesters in recent years, which gives it a unique quality. As such, I honestly would rather to have seen some coverage of DNC/RNC 08' footage or RNC 04' footage (while revisiting the Seattle WTO issue) than some of the focus on terminology that people might not understand. I think establishing the history of detainment facilities for protesters would have been a perfect topic for the film.
1 comment:
I felt a little let down by this one. I thought Camp Fema did a better job of explaining governmental grabs on our freedoms.
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