Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sneak Peak of what I've been working on.....

Sneak Peek 1: Don't Be Tread On: Propaganda, False Paradigms, and Civics


Anonymous said...

I'm buying that book for sure. The cover is interesting but to me it looks like 13 snakes on each side about to pounce on the tyranny free zone. I mean zero offense and I can't wait to read it.

Mild said...

The Diamondback Snakes are to represent the American People just as represented by the Gadsden Flag.

They are standing between those who would tread and the Constitution behind them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it now. I guess I'm just way cynical because I tend to see this as a tyrannyful zone but compared to most other places I suppose we actually are much more free here in the states than elsewhere. Rock on, Mild!