Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Liberty Shackles: Identity, Risks, and The Slavery of "Freedom"

I don't know how many people have noticed, but I haven't been active in the Liberty movement for the last month. I did not want to draw attention to it, however I do like to wax philosophically on things on a daily basis, and I like to share my points of view with the masses after I analyze and come up with new paradigms and ideas. I hesitate to get too deep into the details, but I feet the need to toss warning to my fellow liberty lovers how easily it can be to succumb to loving “liberty” more than loving Liberty.

Sounds funny doesn't it. I probably just blew your fricken mind and you're really confused. Let me explain. This movement is so important and so righteous that it is way too easy to become a slave to aspects of it. When you begin to love the idea of Liberty to the point that you've let liberty take over everything and you've become a slave to the idea, then you no longer live liberty, you are a slave.

Probably still very confusing, but please let me elaborate. Liberty is an idea. It is ever-changing. The strategies we use are constantly in flux, as are the faces of our allies, the locations of important battles. We have to always be in a stage of growth or we run several risks. The first risk is easy to understand. Play-booking. When you repeat the same blueprints of action over and over again, you show those who want to stop you what your strategy is and you give them the opportunity to be one step ahead of you or to utilize your strategies for their gains.

The Second Risk is to become stale. You risk turning people off once they have got to the point where they've seen everything you have to offer. This encourages those who are not fully dedicated to the cause, to completely forget the cause.

The Third Risk is more of an outcome of what happens when the other risks come to consequence. Insanity. You eventually realize how much effectiveness is wasted repeating yourself, and while you are using tried and true methods, and being very strategical and intelligence, you gain no ground and often fail. This is why a lot of people in the movement use the “Definition of Insanity” argument. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is “Insanity” because it's like making a copy of a copy. It's okay when you're first being innovative, but eventually it's going to become a blur of ineffective madness.

These risks are somewhat easier to recognize, however the risk of becoming enslaved to effectiveness is one that is not often examined or spoken of.

You see, I have reached a point in my life, where I was a part of something effective and successful, to the point where I identified so much with it, that I was no longer free. I received a slap in the face recently that I was not independent of this idea, but that it had taken over my ability to make an independent decision of it. I realized the hypocrisy in loving something so much that you have to see yourself in it and see it in you. I did not exactly see this fact in myself, but I seen it in someone I much respect and it frightened me into noticing that I was dangerously on the edge of letting the idea of successful “Liberty” as an idea, take over my life to the point where I was forcing myself to lose innovation, forcing myself to give up many things that made me free, and forcing myself to identify with this idea even past the point where I felt the relationship with this aspect of Liberty was symbiotic, and had become parasitic to me, so much so that I began to resent it and turn it into my prey.

What happens when the identity of an individual merges with the identity of something intangible? Slavery. I seen it first hand and I did not recognize it, however when I seen it second-hand from someone I respect very much, it frightened me how hypocritical it became in my mind.

At first thought, I felt it was the great sacrifice...You do what you must so that we all can be free. This is what many say of the sacrifices we make in the movement. However, the motive can turn into addiction, which becomes a motive onto itself. It becomes part of our identity and that identifying trait becomes almost second nature in which we are enslaved.

Almost like any other addiction, we start doing whatever we are addicted to for one reason, and then wind up continuing an addiction because we can't imagine ourselves without our addiction.

Identity is the hardest part of this battle. We are very critical of forces we dislike trying to identify us for their own ends, yet we strive to carve out some sort of identity for ourselves. So such is the self-destructiveness of merging identity with actions, ideas, or an addiction.

I do not exactly identify myself as a Christian, however, I would hope that even the most avid Atheist can appreciate the moral lessons that can be learned from the actions of Jesus Christ. He is identified by the lack of identity, the lack of motive. And through that he is identified. Through that sprouted a secondary motive of showing other people the slavery and tyranny of their motives, allowing them to grow and become free.

I hope that the sacrifices I've made over the last year and a half and the disconnection of identity with the motives and methods of those sacrifices will be a change for the good.

However, I would never have snapped out of these chains if I hadn't noticed a good friend willingly submitting to the self-destructiveness of their identifying with the addiction of sacrifice. I would never discourage you from the battle, nor the addiction, nor the sacrifice. But the identity issue is dangerous for anyone who strives for freedom and liberty.

I'm sorry I fought with this person and insulted them about this issue, and hope they don't take these warnings as an expansion of the drama, for I truly want nothing more than to disconnect the shackles that hold me to the reasons we fought. However, I am praying during this holiday season that you find freedom from your identity that has held back your freedom as an individual and alienated friends and allies.

The true innovation and selflessness of the work we do become selfish tyranny when we force the good things we do to become our identity and while I truly hope that the awesome things you identify with continue and do not fail, I ponder how you can hit the rock bottom of this addiction for your own good and somehow come out healthy and clean on the other side

To everyone else, please understand the tyranny of identity. I hope that when the name Kevin Kobe is long gone, and my body is long decayed, and my actions are erased from all memories, that somehow I'd done something good that had created a ripple effect through time that somehow affects people in a positive way for thousands of years to come.

Details are unimportant. Be yourself, ultimately, and know what's right and you'll never lose. Keep up the fight, and I'll see you all in 2010. Till then, I'll be working on my own plans behind the scenes.

Be sure to say Hello.

Merry Christmas,
Kevin L. Kobe

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